Una mezcla de cosas que no necesariamente son relevante pero pense que eran comicas

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Broken Light Collective

Photo taken by contributor Ben. Ben suffers from an anxiety disorder that manifests itself as OCD and Depression. He also experiences especially low moods during the winter months.

About this photo: “This is a picture from a walk I took with my family over winter.  It’s from the Magog Hills in Cambridgeshire.  There is an old settlement on top of the hill, and a nature trail walk around the old moat.  I was walking ahead of my family when I noticed this small flash of colour.  I took a closer look and there was this vividly bright flower amidst the brown decaying leaves.  I tried to capture the flower in all it’s delicacy, but It wasn’t until later in that I realised that a small bug was taking refuge in the flower.  I felt envious of the the bug, albeit slightly trivial, in that in the big dark wood there was this tiny flower…

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Soul’s Journey Home

Broken Light Collective

Photo taken by first-time contributor Robert Frank Gabriel, a 72-year-old photographer from Chicago, Illinois. He has been a photographer for some 40 years. Robert has been afflicted with depression, anxiety, and panics attacks off and on for the past 50 plus years. As he ages the depression increases. He has negative thoughts about the future that center around destruction and death of his family and friends.

About this photo: «The Soul’s Journey Home…Perhaps there is an afterlife, and perhaps our souls will meet again. Perhaps…If we found each other on earth, perhaps we will find each other again in the spirit world. Perhaps…” 

Find more from Robert at his website.


**Visit Broken Light’s main gallery here ▸ Now a 501(c)3 non-profit! Please donate here.

*Facebook & Twitter @BrokenLighCo & @DanielleHark. Follow for e-mail notifications.

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Rage Against the Darkness

Broken Light Collective

Photo taken by contributor Tracy, a 30-year-old woman who lives with her husband and 8-year-old daughter in Glasgow, UK. Tracy has struggled with anxiety and depression for several years. She worked as an office assistant but was signed off work due to mental health issues. She deteriorated even more after that, with time spent in hospital, going to see counsellors, and lots of medications, with various side effects. She decided that she didn’t want to live like that anymore and she wanted to make her daughter proud of her, so she pushed herself to go back to college where she chose to study photography. She quickly realized how much she loved every aspect of photography. Although she still has very dark days, she continues to push herself and carry on doing what she loves.

About this photo: “This image was taken for a project I did for uni, which was a series of 8 final…

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Going In

Broken Light Collective

Please welcome first-time contributor Heidi Spitzig, a 37-year-old woman from the Finger Lakes region of New York. Heidi is a survivor of trauma and lives with anxiety, depression, and Dissociative Identity Disorder. She believes in the healing power of the creative process and uses photography as a way to remain present and connected to the beauty found in the natural world. Heidi also enjoys writing, painting, drawing, and many other forms of creative self-expression.

About this photo: “I took this photo during a week-long escape to the Adirondack Mountains. I was feeling quite lost at that point in my life, and, as I often do, I went to nature to figure out what to do next. This photo has become a symbolic representation of my process with healing from the trauma I have experienced in my life: by entering into the dark, watery depths of my mind, I was able…

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Broken Light Collective

Photo taken by contributor Ty Fitzgerald, a man who has been diagnosed with Bipolar II. Ty has a fondness for Lo-fi and Lux filters because they intensify shadows, highlights and colors. Such photos visually represent the way he sees the world, a little brighter and darker than he imagines those without bipolar disorder see the world.

About this photo: “This photo of a lamppost is compelling because of a menacing sky moving towards a single light. I think this can be taken two ways. It is either the power of light holding steadfast against the storm, or the certainty that the storm will destroy the light. In Florida we have incredible sunsets with amazing clouds almost every day, but I was so overwhelmed with these clouds, I had to run out of my house and photograph them.”


**Visit Broken Light’s main gallery here ▸ Now a 501(c)3 non-profit! Please donate here.

*Facebook & Twitter @BrokenLighCo & @DanielleHark

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